Newbie from Lowell, MI


Hi everyone, my name is Cory. I have been interested in making knives for a while but have just recently started getting the tools for knife making. I have been enjoying all the great information on this message board. Thanks everyone!
Hey Cory
Good to see a fellow Michigander here. If there is anything I can help with, let me know. I am over that way a lot. I am kind of apprenticing myself with HHH and he is such a great teacher and friend.

Blessings and welcome

Franklin, I dont know how many, But off the top of my head I can think of 6 really quick, and then another 4 or 5 that I dont know, but do know there from Michigan.. And Im sure there are even more, between the old timers that dont use the internet much To all the new guys and wannabees like myself!

You know, Im already planning next years HAMMER IN! so all you guys from Michigan feel free to PM me or email or call. andget your name on the notification list.. So when the time comes I can contact ya!

God Bless