New to Knifemaking


Active Member
Hi Dogs, I just wanted to stop by and say Hi and thanks for letting me join up and share with you all.

I'm a pro knife sharpener who specializes in Japanese knives and repairs/upgrades and now I'm leaning towards what I knew would eventually happen - making knives.

I already have a lot of the required tools but I want to venture into bladesmithing so I've purchased an old Peter Wright anvil and put a down payment on a 50lb Little Giant to which I discovered for sale here at KnifeDogs. I sort of put the cart before the horse on this one - no question about that - but I just couldn't pass up that old beauty that's sitting parked outside a smithy less than 10 minutes from here - it was a sign I say! :)

I should also mention that my good friend Lloyd "Butch" Harner has helped me in so many ways and I need to say "thanks" to him and hope to see him around here often.

So that's about it I guess. Now I'm off to bask in the knowledge.

Thanks again for letting me play.

Welcome to the pack Dave. Sounds like you've dove in head first. Enjoy!!!