My Rhino Asian Chef line of knives. 4 3/4" 7 3/4" and 9 3/4" knives


Well-Known Member
I used 1/8' for this set of my culinary knives.
The steel is CPM- S35Vn treated to 60RC

The 4 3/4" Sports a Cal Buckeye wood handle that I had stabilized at K&G

7 3/4" has a Black MOP or Mother of plastic Handle.

The 9 3/4 Sports a handle of Burl/Spalted Cal Sycamore also treated by K&G and purchased from Mark at It's a burl.

I use Loveless bolts and I have my signature Rhino Mosaic pin in the two Larger ones.

Any comments are welcome.DSCN0813.jpgDSCN0814.jpgDSCN0811.jpg

I did these pics while I had the three finished sizes together, two have gone to their new homes and the last one goes later today!

Thanks for looking.

Keep your nose to that grindstone!

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Thanks Dogs!
Mike, The black Mop, Mother of Plastic.
Works well with a 40 G then a Super flex Hermes in 120G and then a 600 G Hermes then changing to hand sanding with 600 then 8oo Grit, I use a soft buff with Fabaluster white compound and don't get it too hot or it starts to melt.
Buff a bit, Then off, Then repeat!

Nice work Laurence, I like the handles and the style , them babies look sharp all the way around .....Bubba
Thanks Bubba-San,
The handles are still evolving when I find something that works a bit better.
All three of these were made for customers, I have a tracing of their hand when I shape out the handle. Three different customers too! They are all different in thickness.

The smallest,my Chefette model is the Ladies first choice with men starting with the biggest know as my "Mr. Big" Chef. The 7 3/4" in the middle that you would think would be the most popular is in third place in sales. Also the 9 3/4" was requested with a bit rougher finish.

I have another line of two that I haven't settled on a name for yet are bigger at 11" & 9" with a Italian/French look to them.
There are at HT now and I will have two of the finished soon after they return!

Keep your nose to that GrindStone.

Been busy, got some new swords coming , all made from Aldos 1075 low mang . Will be forged and clayed , hamon ,saya the works .
I hope they turn out half as good as your Hocho knives ..... Bubba