McCaffery's Tru Oil Finger


Well-Known Member
As I have stated in another post where I posted my last finished knife I put 12 coats of Tru Oil on that knife "per Ed's video" and I did. What Ed fails to tell you n his vidio is that you will end up with a Tru Oil finger using this method. The stuff will not wash off and using Ed's method of applying the Tru Oil with your finger your finger will accumulate Tru Oil just like the knife does. You apply it every 2 hours and I managed to get 4 coats a day over three days. Shower every night, washed hands 3-4 times a day and you can't get it off. Here is the Tru Oil finger, my wife thinks its gross - BEWARE!

Wallace (All in fun, thanks Ed)

That looks familiar! :) Couple of options.... 1. Put a latex glove on the hand you use for "dipping" the Tru-Oil. 2.If no glove is used..... Once you finish a coat, clean your finger off with a rag and some acetone. :)
Use a different finger every "rub", after 10 rubs they all match?
Just a thought.
casual contact with french fries

As I get older and my Mrs. makes me watch what I eat...... any contact I have with french fries is INTIMATE contact! :) Its tough having been raised as a "farm boy", where we had "fried" and gravy at every meal..... and these days trying to look at a plate of "green stuff" and convince myself its "good". :)
I've always said that there will be any number of things that eventually kill me, however starvation is not one of them.
I use goo gone,a little on the finger ,rub finger and thumb togeather and it wipes right off.
Wallace - that finger looks like my fingers so much of the time! Ed has great advice - I tend to use a latex glove to help keep fingers cleaner..... when I remember anyway.

John, I'll remember your statement: "I've always said that there will be any number of things that eventually kill me, however starvation is not one of them." That describes me also - I LOVE food.
After using a gloved finger for a bit I started using the stiff felt pads you can get at Michael's to apply Tru-oil. I use that same felt (clean one) to do the buffing after letting the Tru-oil soak in/ partially dry for a few minutes. In the picture left to right: New pad, buff pad, application pad. Oh and I still wear gloves too

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Is there a link to the video? I will have to pick it up, I just started using the turoil it seems like some nice stuff
I was into turning pens for a while, before the knife making bug mostly edged out my other hobbies, but I used a lot of CA finish, tung oil, etc. To save a little money, I'd cut the fingers off a few pairs of gloves and keep the finger pieces by the lathe. When finishing time came, I'd just "glove" the one finger I was applying finish with. A lot easier than trying to put the same glove on your hand over and over. Heck my hands are so big, I'd usually tear the glove up anyway if I tried to reuse it.
I am not exactly sure why but you can buy finger covers in the health department part of Wal-Mart you could basically use for that.