Makers Mark???


Well-Known Member
Hi Guys
Trying to decide on a makers mark and have it narrowed down to two. What one do you like???


  • Spry Tim.JPG
    Spry Tim.JPG
    85.3 KB · Views: 40
Gonna say I like the one on the left, without the knife centered. Looks a little busy with that included and might be tough to get the detail to show. The version with just the state outline and your text/border is pretty cool!
The one on the left is cleaner and simpler, but still too busy, in my opinion. By the time you scale it down to small enough to look good on a blade, it will be almost illegible. I think the trick is to keep it simple. Then simplify it. Then make it simpler. It doesn't need to do more than identify you as the maker, though some consideration should be given to brand recognition as well. Mine simply (catching a theme here?) has my name, Travis Fry, with the shape of Texas in between. I'm about to replace it with one that just has T.Fry. I'd go even simpler if I could, but I know at least 4 other folks with the same last name who also make knives, so just "Fry" won't cut it. Spend some time looking at the best makers in your category (folders, hunters, tactical, etc.) and see what they do. If they've reached the top level it's because they know something about what sells in addition to what makes a good knife.

Will the stencil maker use professional type set for your letters or use your hand drawn letters? I was wondering because, having no imagination, I just used my last name, then under that "Maker" then my town, ala Bob Loveless (only without the arcs). But, it would be good to be able to use a more creative placement of the letters as you have, but not with my hand printing.

The stencil maker will do eather way. The way you see here I drew and sent to him and he sent back sized right.
Think about the size your going to need. You want to make sure that your "mark" fits on ALL the knives you produce, and you want to make sure the the marks DO NOT vary from knife to knife (in either size or appearance). Is "Spry" your name? if not, then I would suggest using your name....otherwise you only create confusion when someone looks at the knife, and especially if they want to find you to order a knife.
Sorry to say, as the are?
I really don't care for ether one. As mentioned, You need to clean them up a bit more. They look like a kid scrawled them out!

My logo on my knives is my Avatar you see on my posts. Block letters are much easier to come out nice in a Logo. Unless you have very stylish Initials or something like that.

Keep trying, You will find what is right.

You might also consider that vertical shaped marks are harder to place on a small blade than horizontal ones. The smallest of the marks shown would not fit on a 1/2" - 3/4" blade.
