Latest sheath


Well-Known Member
I just recently got an Artisan Toro 3000 and boy is it nice.

It took a little figuring to get it to work for me, or rather, for me to figure out how to use it but here's the first sheath done with it.

It's for a Prototype Kirby Lambert folder with mother of pearl scales. The owner wanted there to be some of the scales visible through the sheath. As the knife came with a sting ray skin pouch, I sort of mimicked the texture and the holes allow for the scales to be visible and mimic the white spot on stingray skin.
The flesh side of the outer piece is lined with deerskin to protect the scales and to provide a nice grip on the knife.



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Nice sheath. I like the holes to show off the scales. It compliments the knife a lot. Bet there was a bunch of scrimping and saving to get that Toro 3000. You lucky dog.

Thanks guys...

As far as the scrimping goes... hopefully this machine will pay for itself... eventually..
It is a big jump but it's a fabulous machine and it cuts the time down so much that it frees me to do more both design wise and not make $2/hr.
Good looking sheath Stuart and congrats on the new Artisan.Dave2thumbs
Thanks guys. Here's another I made this weekend on the Artisan.
You may notice a little of Paul Long's influence here.:eek::D
He has been a tremendous help in my sheath making and in advice on the Toro3000. His work is so iconic that in some ways I couldn't help but drift towards his style in trying to do some fancier work.

I hope he doesn't mind. This sheath is for a personal knife.




Dang that is good looking!! I am about to make one of these for the first time and I hope it turns out half that nice.