Large D7 Skinner


Finished this yesterday and will make sheath after do the hometown hero build. This one was bit of an adventure as was going to use brass for bolster but forgot to order the pin stock:1: so used D2. I did handles twice as wasn't happy with way came out first time so cut off and did over. Relief antler design inspired by ArtinNC recent work- thanks Art.
Thanks for lookin' and comments welcome.
10.5" OA, 5.75" D7 .187 RC64 blade, D2 bolster, SS pins and tube, moose antler scales buffed and burnt for color.
Replaced handle pic on 2-13-12 due to buffer gunk I left on bolster made it look like had huge gap on left-top of bolster.





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Very cool ..... That D-7 is some tough stuff . I use a piece of it to polish the fuller in swords that have been hardened . I can see a lot of work there . The blade is great looking .
WELL Ausbrooks you now i like your work and this is no exseption, great work .
if you got a ideal from yoda ( aka artic nc ) you now it was good. lol
Thanks a lot Keith- I wasn't sure it was going to look like an antler after polishing out- didn't come out too bad- appreciate the input.
I was looking at that knife and really like it . And the file work looks great. Then I started to read about it , Now I know I like it hee hee.
Love the elk antler design in spine . great tight fit on bolster to handle . Looks great !! Love It !!
Mikey D