Knife #2


Well-Known Member

Sorry if the photos are not great, had to make do with my cell phone. This is my second knife.
I decided to make a knife for my girlfriend for Christmas. Her favorite color is blue, so I went with blue G10 for the handle. Knife is made from 1080 steel and 7" in total length. It looks like a smaller version of the first big knife I did, but with a different colored handle and much better mirror polish. Mirror polish is still not perfect, but I'm not sure how much better I can get it with the 1x30 grinder I have. The turtle chrome polish I bought at Walmart seems to have done a really nice touch though. I think she will really like it.
Better than the first one. The more you do, the better they get. You need to make a few wood knives to practice your bevels grind.