Kitchen Knife Designs


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, I was just wanting some input on these designs for an 8" chef's knife and a 3.5" paring knife.

Do you think these would work well?

The specs are in red:


They look like a great start,
On the chef, Check your knuckle clearance on the handle. It looks a bit tight, angle the grip up a few degrees and then cut out some cardboard, lucite or wood mock ups to check how it will rock on a board and see how the clearance is? Remember that we want to make a knife that is still perfect to use after years of sharpening.

Same for the Parer, Most trained Chefs don't use a Parer on a board ever! But many home cooks do, ladies in particular.
Have your wife or a lady friend try the mock up on a board, ask her to just cut like she would making dinner.

We tend to get side tracked with what a pro chef would use, many of our knives get used by people at home that don't have knife usage training. So try to get feedback from both groups.

Have fun!
I like them, but I would round off the top of the rear grip. It is a pretty sharp point and may wear on a hand after awhile.
very nice. I especially like the paring knife. I like that you didn't skimp on the handle. As Laurence has observed many of us home cooks are idiot savants in the kitchen. I usually use one or maybe two knives when food prepping. And a good paring knife is hard to beat for most everything 'cept chopping.
i would only have 3 small holes in the chef's knife tang for pins, maybe 3/16". you have a ton of steel on the other side and a little more weight in the handle may help overall balance. should be good looking blades when done. good luck