I hope to finish this today


Well-Known Member
Lots more sanding needed but I might get it done. I think I'll call it 12 inches of persuasion. lol The end caps make it heavier than I thought, I think it will need to be a bedside knife cause I don't want to carry it lol.

So Far...
That's a good looking knife and you've definitely got a chore ahead of you hand sanding that big blade. Good luck. I taper my tangs and drill many skeletonizing holes to keep the pommel end weight down on mine.
Well. I have to confess. I didn't even get a chance to touch it again yesterday. Partly due to work. But mostly because a friend saw the picture, and said. "Hey that looks good but could you make me one even bigger?
"Umm, how much bigger?"

"2 inches?"

"I don't know. But I'm willing to try."

So,... When I finally got home from work. I started that project. The main bevel grind took me over 2 hours and did not go smoothly. Man I don't know how you guys do these 15-20 inch Bowies and have them look so clean. Lots of experience I guess.

But in the end I got it clean enough that I think it will look good. Here it is so far.

Well I don't know how much work I will be able to squeeze in for a while. My house is sold and I have to be out on Tuesday. And I haven't packed anything yet. Moving into a rental.

However. I did get a little work done.

Swedge cut in. File work well under way. Guard holes drilled. If at all possible I'm going to try to heat treat it tomorrow. Going to go for a Hamon.
Well, I am getting closer to finishing the bigger one. I'm finding a minute here and there as I move all My stuff. (moving sucks)

Here it is so far...I Chose a piece of Wenge for the handle (Thanks JDALE). My first time to use that wood and I really like it.



Just a little more polishing then a final etch and then sharpening and then a sheath. :)
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