How to cut and process a fresh burl for handle blocks

Burl Source

Forum Owner & Moderator
This is a step by step guide on how to cut up a fresh burl for knife handle blocks.

The burl I am using is a Western Big Leaf Maple burl.
This burl was growing on the side of a maple trunk.
The burl cap was cut using a chain saw cutting parallel to the trunk to slice the burl cap off the tree.
This affects the tree much like trimming off a branch. The tree continues to live.


1st thing I do is place the burl on the bandsaw table and position it so I can make a straight cut along one side of the burl.



This cut gives me a straight edge that I will use against the fence for future cuts.
It also gives me a glimpse of what I am going to find inside the burl.


Here I have cut the burl into 4 slices. One of them I cut wider, right at the crown of the burl.


I laid the slices flat and marked a straight line along the edges.


Next I trimmed the edges straight.

This straight edge goes against the fence so I can cut the slices into strips.


This was the thick (2&1/2") slice, so I cut narrower (1&3/8") strips to make the wood against the fence the faces of the blocks.


Turned to lay flat to show the surface that will be the faces of the blocks.


Now I am cutting the 3 narrower (1&3/8") strips. The area against the table will be the faces of these blocks so I am cutting wider (2&1/2") strips.


These are the strips cut from the narrower slices.



Last step is to trim the strips into blocks.


Everything has been cut slightly oversized to allow for what I will have to trim away to true up these blocks after they are finished drying.
To air dry these they should be put on a shelf out of direct sunlight. If you stand them on edge air can flow around the blocks for more even drying. Flip them over every several days. Normal rule of thumb for air drying is about 1 year for each inch of thickness.