Hello from Ontario Canada


Just want to say hello and give a quick introduction. My name is Ilija. I've been occasionally lurking around here. I started making knives almost a year ago and not looking back. I have always enjoyed making things but knives are quickly turning into an obsession. I've been busy the past couple weeks getting ready to move so I haven't been able to work on any knives but I have some waiting to go when I get my tools and equipment set up again. I'm looking forward to getting involved here.
Welcome to the forum. I look forward to seeing some pictures of the shop once set up and some resulting knives.

Thanks guys. I will post some of my knives i have completed when I get a chance. I have pics of all of them. As for the shop I may even post pics as I am setting up so you guys can throw out opinions on the set up. I will actually have a set up in my garage and half of the laundry room for the cleaner part of knife making and leather. I even plan on having a smaller table for my kids (daughter 7 and son 4) to do crafts while doing my thing. Good way to keep the kids busy, wife happy and me making knives. :biggrin:
Thanks Bubba-san.

I just posted my first knife since I can't work on any right now.