Hello from MN


Well-Known Member
Hi all, Ive been interested in knife making for many years but for one reason or another just never jumped in and got my feet wet.

Im a computer engineer by trade but like working with my hands. I do most of my own home improvement stuff from concrete to plumbing to electrical to cabinetry, tile etc. Ive done my fair share of work on cars over the years as well, engine swaps, suspension work, fuel systems, lift kits etc.

One tool I have never had is a bench grinder or sander and there are many times I wish I had one, I even contemplating buying one a couple time but always made do with sanding blocks or one of my hand held belt sanders.

Since getting the itch to make knives again ive been reading quite a bit and my first project will be to build my own 2x72 grinder. Ive been scouring the net looking at the various designs and have combined what I have seen and started my plans and component collection. I dont have a welder but I do have a small end mill (1hp, sqaure column) so my goal is to make it out of 1/2 aluminum plate. Something I can easily cut, tap and bolt together. Hopefully in the next couple weeks I will have everything I need and can start building it and get to knife making a bit after that.

welcome to KnifeDogs..

there are several different grinder builds pictured here and lot's of people here have built one.
Hi Larry, and welcome from another Minnesotan. Are you a member of the Guild of Metalsmiths? We have a good group of knife makers active in the club. We should get together sometime this summer.
Thanks for the welcome guys.

Jim, im not a member of anything at the moment and I have yet to make my first knife but I will check out the guild. This seemed like a good place to gather some time saving tips and tricks so my first step was to register here. Im still in the process of building my 2x72 grinder. Ive got a nice new 2hp motor and just ordered all my pulleys and wheels. Once they show up I will round up the metal I need and start building that beast. Hopefully I can have it done in the next few weeks and can start roughing out some blades.