Hello from Long Island, New York!


Active Member
Hi everyone ,
My name is Jon, and I am very happy you have accepted me into this awesome community of such gifted, talented, and full of experiences, ready to share with those of us, like me, a beginner.

A little about my self:
I have many interests, but metalworking, machine restoration and learning to make a knife are my main interests.
I have in the last 3 or so months been obsessed with knife making.
I hope to learn safe and correct ways to get into this great tradition.
I am not yet experienced to share, but God willing, that will change.
I am honored to be able to learn in such a supportive environment.
I hope to meet a knife maker in my area.
I am at a point where I am ready to buy a real well made belt grinder, the Tw90, and cant wait to get it.
See you all on the site!