Hello from California!

Jason Wernli

Well-Known Member
Hello Everyone,
My Name is Jason and I live in Brea, CA. I have been lurking around for a while now and I figured it was time to make an introduction! I would first like to say thank you to all who freely give their knowledge and hard fought experience. What I have learned here already would have taken me years of trial and error at home.

I got "the bug" early this year and thought, hey, I should make a knife! I had no idea what was in store for me...
I have completed 5 knives to date (one last night at midnight...).

I am married and have 3 kids, all girls! They are 15, 13 and 11. My life is pretty busy with all the family stuff, which definitely limits my time to make knives. I run operations for a manufacturing company, so I have access to a great machine/mold shop. This has been awesome as my guys helped me build a nice 2x72 right away.

To date, I have only attempted stock removal, but look forward to forging in the future!

My skills are pretty rough at this point and I am daily in awe at the work that is shown on this forum.

OK, thanks for reading and I hope I can get to know you better.
Here are my first, second and fifth knives in the order that I made them... I don't have pics of my 3rd and 4th knives right now.

- Jason
Thanks for the offer Laurence. I would like to take you up on that.
I have yet to visit another makers shop...
I will PM you when I can work it in the schedule!
- Jason
Jason I like your work. I must say, you are doing a fine job! I am in the Central Valley.
Welcome to the pound!

With 3 girls I know about the time issue, and it only get more hectic as they get older.

Nice work for just starting!
Welcome to the pound Jason. You definitely have a good start on making knives. Looking good. .Larry.