Hammer And Spear

Justin W.

Well-Known Member
Hey guys i wanted to run this business name and logo past you guys i have been using it for a while and i am quite fond of it. Ive put some serious thought into getting a facebook and or instagram page and i would like to figure out if this is a good start for a business with the long term plan of being able to do mid-techs some day (Yeah really really long term lol )

Alright so the name Hammer and Spear is in reference to the fact that a hammer is a tool, its sole purpose is too be an extension of the user and to help achieve more than what can be done with a mans two hands . By contrast a spear is a weapon its sole purpose is two be used in a offensive or defensive situation to save a life or to save your life. The Knife is both its not just a tool and its not just a weapon. I want too make it my goal to make a knife that is ready for anything that life throws at it.

The laborers carried on with there work with one hand supporting there load and one hand on there weapon Nehemiah 4:17

LOGO 1 - Olive drab.png

As for the logo i like it but would not mind to swap it out for something that might look a bit cleaner. If i ever wanted to etch it on the blade i kinda figure i would have to loose the H&S and the 4;17 or i would have too take out the image of the hammer and the spear head and just do the letters

I know this was a long post but thanks for the help i feel like i really fall short on the business side of this thing and im still trying to learn
While I applaud the choice of verse you have it will have little meaning to anyone who does not recognize its biblical connection and the & symbo wil get lost or simply muddy the waters (so to speak.
I think that in todays world of communications, where once something is on the internet it is there forever. In this case I am inclined to think that with forum posts and other internet mentions of a knife logo and the relevant information, then it will always be simple matter to recall that information and identify a maker.
Well first, your logo always sticks out when i see it. It draws me right in. I guess it may also depend on what you want. Do you want your name on the knife for someone to find you or do you you want to add another design feature to your blades? I am working on a makers mark too. I have no plans on being a major knife maker so I'm going for design. In comparison I am a private practice therapist and had a choice of picking a fancy business name or just my name as the business name. I chose my name.
I've thought about just about every variation of a business name that has my name in it and I'm just not a fan of them(Wells Knives,Wells Blades,Justin Wells Knives). So naturally me being the teenager that I am decided to find the "coolest" name that I could lol but the ones that I came up with lack meaning and I did not want my work to be represented by a name that served no purpose other than to sound cool. I'm going to play around with a few variations of the logo to clean it up and use the logo for profile pictures and what not and then once I go to get a makers mark I will choose something that could be easily searched for online to find myself or some of my other work
Once the hammer and knife logo is mentioned a few times on the forums it will be easy to find and in particular your website with it written into your introduction will have it within reach of anyone who want to find out the maker. If you have an authentification card that goes with each of your knives when you sell them, that is another way for your identification to be known to anyone that the knife may be sold on to.