Evenheat inside

I did that to an older heat treat oven I own..... it did make a significant difference. If you do decide to do it, I would suggest removing the heating element(s) and the thermocouple (and anything else that you don't want ITC to get on)..... I didn't when I did mine, and got some of the ITC on the element.....burned it right out. Lesson learned! :) (had to replace the element)
I'd say no and here's my reasoning.

The ovens heat the contents from radiated heat from the bricks. The coils cycle on and off a hundred times an hour (estimating) to get to and maintain temperature. It's the bricks that soak up and then radiate that heat back in to the blade. If you coat the bricks, the air gets hot but the bricks don't (relatively) and the on/off cycle of the coils increases. I could be wrong but I've never seen or heard of anyone coating their oven interior.
What Boss said :)

I learned long ago that when dealing with a reputable, quality product of any kind that the designers of said product has pretty much figured things out already....no modification needed. If said tool/product has a good reputation and is well received in the market place chances are they got it right a long time ago :) These are just my humble opinions of course :)