DVD advice


Well-Known Member
I told Santa that I wanted some good DVD's on blade grinding, leather working, and wire inlay. The problem is that I do not have time to search as I am Santa's goldsmith elf and don't have time to do as I am working my tail off to get all the x-mas presents done in time for Santa to put them in his bag for delivery under the tree. Can someone advise me about the dvd's that they found the most beneficial? As always TIA. ...Teddy
I like Paul Longs "Basic Pouch Sheaths" he takes you into his shop and you look over his shoulder while he makes a sheath, from design to final finish.

Paul frequents the sheath forums so you can get first hand help there too.

S. R. Johnsons " Making a Sub Hilt Fighter" One of the all time great makers, worked for Loveless shop in the early '70s shows how to hollow grind, very well, shows some very valuable subtle
moves and explains them.

I've watched these vids many times.
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Flat Grinding by Harvey Dean is an excellent video in my opinion. It answered a lot of my questions and provided me with tips that I use on almost every blade I grind.