Custom ivory handle


New Member
Hey guys, new here.

I've been thinking lately of making a custom knife with a blank blade and an ivory (warthog or hippo tusks) handle. I can order the tusks (both kind relatively inexpensive) from a large shop in St. Augustine, FL, and blanks from elsewhere. I want to make something like these:

I have a (theoretically) simple plan for doing so. I'm wondering if I can obtain a bolster and a blank, cut the tang (I have a friend who can do this) to whatever length I need it to be, and use epoxy to secure the blade into the hollow of the tusks. Also can I use Gorilla super glue to "cure" the ivory? Here's another inspiration for this:

The only rub is I have no experience whatsoever in such things. But I REALLY want a knife like this and have no idea how to contact someone who can specifically work ivory (though I have heard working ivory is similar to hardwood). Any advice/explicit instruction would be much appreciated.