chefs knife how to


Well-Known Member
Theres a contest on instructables as "make to learn", its a contest for people 18 to 13 years old, I did one on making a chef knife and i thought id show it of to you guys, the link is . If you have never been on instructables the don't have much in the way of knife making but they have a lot of really original ideas, theres an awseome video on making an air soft mini gun. Anyway if you like it feel free to give it a vote, I need as many as possible.
Badger, Great looking chefs knife. You should be proud of that one. Really like the copper with the cocobolo.

Keep em comng!

God Bless
Very nicely done knife and Instructable. I have viewed a few other Instructables and have found the site to be helpful. I viewed a couple of forge making ones. I even posted one there myself today. It was fun to do.