Belated Intro


My name is Jason and I just realized when I replied to a thread on the forum that it was my first post here. I never did an intro. So here I am.

I've been working at this about 18 months now, learning the craft of knifemaking and acquiring/building my tools and equipment. I've loved crafting thing for myself rather than buying so it was a natural attraction for me to fall in love with knife making. I got started because I couldn't bring myself to spend $100+ on quality knives, so I wisely :)rolleyes:) decided I'd just make my own. A year or so later, I've spent several times that much and still don't have a fully complete quality knife... yet. But I'm learning and loving every minute of it. It's proven to be the most relaxing yet challenging experience.

I'm from a very small town in eastern Kansas... Le Roy, kudos if you've ever heard of it. I work at the nuclear plant as a instrumentation and control technician and trainer. I'm married, four kids, two dogs and a handful of cats that somehow think this is their home.