Another Newbee


New Member
Good evening. While I'm not a knife maker, I hope to learn a lot from what I see to be a very experienced and varied group. I hope to learn more about knife repair and refurbishment in the coming months/years. Currently I have a small knife sharpening business (just posted to a thread on that topic for the first time). I'm only working that on the weekends a a couple of farmers markets while still working my full time "pre-retirement" job until some time next year. I look forward to learning a great deal from my participation here.
Thanks for the opportunity.
Hi Grumpasaurus! I'm new as well, wanted to say I think you'll find knifedogs to be a great forum, and I've learned some good stuff from you already. Glad you're here.
Well welcome to the pound! Lots to learn here. You can search a topic and find just about everything you want to know. If you don't find it just ask. Everyone is very friendly and will eagerly help you out with multiple answers.
Glad to have you.
It seems the new normal is to plan on a new career after retirement to fill time and and bring in some money. A lot of knife makers are "retired" (or just tired) and count on knife making for a little extra income and to stay busy.