A little shop time!


Well-Known Member
These are some of my more recent knives. Been at this for a few months now and I could spend all day out in the shop(sometimes do!)

Tracy that bar look familiar? ;)

ready for heat treat

Thoughts, comments, critiques always appreciated!

Thanks for looking
Think you forgot to profile them:cool: or just can't see it from the pic. You don't want to do any grinding after heat treat. You might want more holes in the handles for better adhesion, balance and mounting options.
There are those makers who grind in the bevels after heat treating to reduce warping. At any rate, you don't want to bring the bevels down to a sharp edge so you will have to finish the grinding after heat treating. As far as more holes go, fine, if you want reduce weight or make the knife less handle heavy. However, more holes equals less surface area and less surface area means less adhesion. Of course, using some sort of bolt or rivet will increase mechanical attachment.

It's Elmax, you can take it to .010" with out any trouble heat treating. Also you get more "non mechanical" lock if the epoxy can flow from one side to the other. Epoxy is more for keeping the knife handle sealed from moisture etc. It adds some horizontal/vertical shear strength, but is not to hold the handle on. The pins are the most important part in holding the handle on to the tang. Sounds like you have an opinion and I have mine, nothing wrong with that.
I always drill extra holes in my tangs, and I dimple the backside of the scales so there is more surface area. Surface area is no good if the epoxy doesn't have something to lock on to.
I grind my bevels after heat treat currently. its 3/32 elmax not too hard on my belts this way. Any thicker and I definitely would.

As for bolt holes, I dont like drilling lots of holes in the tang, makes no sense to me why I would make a full tang then blast it full of holes. For adhesion I run the handle across the moving 36 grit belt, and the scales I drill a ton of tiny holes, havent had a separation yet and a few people have down right abused my knives.

Thanks for the kind words, Ill add more pics when I get them back from heat treat.