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    Something different

    Been a while since I've posted here. This is one I just finished up this morning. Blade is Brenham meteorite (from Brenham Kansas). Guard is Gibeon meteorite Spacer is Brenham Palasite (stony-iron meteorite from Brenham Kansas) Grip is stabilized Juniper burl Thanks for looking -...
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    Extraterrestrial knife-shaped display object

    Just finished this one. Strictly a "display" object. Blade: etched Gibeon meteorite Guard: Etched Muonionalusta metorite Grip: English walnut Blade length: 7 3/8 inches Overall length: 12 inches Thanks for looking, Michael
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    New One

    I've been working on this technique for a while now, and its finally beginning to come together. I'd like to know what you all think. Thanks, Michael
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    Meteorite Damascus

    Hi all. Thought I'd show you one of my recent works. This one is Glorieta meteorite and 1080 damascus, san-mai over a 1080 core. The guard is etched Seymchan meteorite and there are Chinga meteorite spacers along with the turquoise recon stone. The grip is stabilized juniper burl. Comments...
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    Hi all. My name is Michael Miller - Yeh, another one. I live in Kingman, AZ and have been making knives full time for about 8 years. I check into a few knife related forums several times a day, but seldom have time to post anything. This looks like a good place - I see many names that are...