Glen you moved my post to a place I cant even find. Is this a free site ??? I would understand fully if I was way out of line , all I was doing was letting people know if they would like a razor in the future ide be making them soon . I cam here with the intention that I was told people here would be willing to help me learn to make straight razors. Am I wrong ??
Advertising that you would make them at all for other people, is where you crossed the forum rules... That is what we don't allow, there are only a few places on the form that we allow "Advertising" in of any kind...
The Classifieds but you don't qualify to use them yet
The Vendors Corner, but you are not a Vendor here on SRP
And you are allowed to link an E-bay ad in the Auction Talk Forum...
What we do NOT allow is exactly what you did, which is with your very first post to offer something for sale...
The forum is free as can be BUT we do have very strict rules for selling on here, which you agreed to with the terms of use when you signed in......
Again I suggest that you do some reading in the Workshop Forum, The Forge, and the Custom Gallery...
There are some very experienced guys on here that will be more than happy to help you down the right paths to making razors...
Enjoy your time on SRP
Always V/R (very respectfully).... Glen