September Guild Update

Jeb Taylor

Guild Updates.
Hello there all. We had our first board meeting and I wanted to give you all an update of were we are at as a collective.
  1. 501c- The Board has decided that the best way forward is to structure the Guild as a 501c Non-Profit. This will allow us a group the flexibility that will help us in certain fundraising and legal aspects of our enterprise. Jess Hoffman and Chad Johnson have taken on the heavy lifting for this task, and we all owe them quite a debt of gratitude for pushing us forward.
  2. Dues- Full membership in the Guild has a dues fee of $25.00. This goes to offset the cost of setting up the infrastructure of the Guild (501c cost, website etc), and to bring in highly skilled presenters in the future. Dues will be paid in January in the future. If you pay your dues now, they will cover your 2020 membership, so no need to hold back! The link can be found on the forum.
  3. Newsletter- we are going to start a newsletter in the near future. Content is at a premium. Please think of what you would like to see in it, and what we should call it. If you would like to submit an article on tactics, techniques or procedures relevant to the knifemaking world be due so.
  4. Website- we are in the process of securing a website. At this time we are looking for someone to manage it post-construction. I will most likely be in Wordpress format. If you would like to participate in this, please shoot me a note.
  5. January Meeting- our focus for the meeting in January will be on making folders. Why? Because it is freezing cold outside and no one wants to forge in the artic tundra. And getting pointed instruction on making folders in not always easy to find. We have some top notch presenters lined up, but we may need a couple more to help with managing the classes. Great opportunity to pass on your knowledge.
  6. T-Shirts- we hopefully will have the T-Shirts underway shortly. We are leaning towards having a pre-order with an expected pickup at the meeting in January. Luke Hoff and Wes Wernimont have been gracious enough to spearhead these efforts for us. More to follow.
  7. By Laws- we are on our final rounds of crafting the By-Laws. They will be found on the forums for review and comments shortly.
In closing we are moving forward. As always you often get what you put in when it comes to things like Guilds, and I ask that you truly consider how you can participate and help your fellow makers improve their crafts. All members of the board are there to speak to and be your point of contact for our future direction. I look forward to hearing from you all, Jeb