New to knifemaking in Southern Oregon


New Member
Hello everyone. I've loved edged tools since I was a kid but I've just started to get into making them recently. So far I've made four knives and sold one. They've all been made out of files so far but I'm starting one out of a saw blade from an old lumber mill now. I have very basic tools so far and a small forge I made out of an old frying pan, cooking pot and electric leaf blower. Just wanted to introduce myself and maybe get some feedback. They're rough beginers knives with a single bevel edge but I'm pretty proud of them!:13:

Welcome to the pack! We've got lots of good info around here and lots of guys willing to help out if you get stumped.
welcome to K.D. Its a by far.... "THE" greatest resource for a new maker or even a old dog wanting to learn a few new trick!