Missouri clubs ?


Well-Known Member
I would like to find a club in or close to northeast Missouri , to find a few fairly local contacts
I did , that seems to be another forum ? I think a missouri knife club would be a great idea ! somewhere we can hold meetings , hammer -ins and actually meet and make friends with various makers from Missouri . Who is up for that. We would need something kind of centrally located so everyone could make a trip once in a while . How about some input from some MO guys , and anyone who cares to join Bubba-san
I would love to help ya any way I can , bubba-san . I know there are few makers up here .
No matter what I will have to look you up when we take the famdamily floating this summer.
My son and I will be at the St. Louis knife show on the 22 or 23rd of this month , maybe I'll round up a few prospects or at least get weird looks .
Is that show at the machinists hall or the one on Hampton ave. In the carpenters hall ? I might go and look around . Dont have much for sale right now but, I am getting very close to finishing some projects . It would be great to have say a " knife guild "or something like that . We dont have many straight up knife shows , usually more guns than knives.
It's on Hampton at the carpenters hall . It would be great if there was at least a semiannual show in Mo some where .
I don't have very much knowledge of starting up guilds or clubs but I would be glad to help as much as possible .
best way is word of mouth . Some folks cant always take those long trips for the big shows but, you can usually find time if its not too far away ! We can just post a membership drive for missouri members and some states that are close . I will try and make that carpenters hall show . I will look you up Bubba
Sounds good . Hope to catch us there .
So any Show-me State knife junkies out there let me know ........
Only problem is ks is on the other side of the state . I know there are at least a few knifemakers in the east side of mo . Just need to get everybody congregated at to sort out some details and get things rolling .
There are lots of blade and knife smiths in missouri , We always have to go somewhere else !!!! I think we owe it to ourselves to start a club . We could be the first 2 new members
Maybe a few of us can get together at the St.Louis knife show . I know there will be some Missouri makers there . On Jan 22-23 @ the carpenters union hall on Watson road .
Keep me posted if you form a club, I'm a member of the Kansas club, and live in the KC area, but would be interested in a Missouri club as well depending on where you hold your meetings.
Hello listerp, I guess keep an eye on this post and we will keep you informed ,or I can email you when we get organised. Regards ...... Bubba
For anyone going to the Stl show . I should be there Saturday morning about 9:30 or 10:00 am . Maybe a few of us van get a thing or two figured out about the particulars of starting a Missouri knifemakers club .
Well we received 12" of the white stuff . and expect it to snow friday , we may get about 18 -20 " That would put a real damper on knife show . If this stuff stays on ground the show will probably not have too many customers / buyers . I hate it when I plan something and the weather wont cooperate , I was excited about show, now I have the winter doldrums. I will wait until tomorrow before I make up my mind on attending show or not ???:mad: I can't even go to post office , missouri HP will issue citation if they catch you driving hwy 8 in east central missouri until they clean the roads.
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