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  1. saxon

    Hamon Tutorial -LOTS of pics

    This is still one of the best tutorials out there. Stephen, how critical have you found it to be to match the satanite patterns on both sides of the blade? Have you seen weird things happen when they weren't? Thanks...
  2. saxon

    Balisong Kit Input Needed -- Give us your thoughts

    I'm glad I jumped over here. I'll be going in on these kits when they're ready.
  3. saxon

    Two knives i just finished

    Hi papi, Your knives have a very nice organic look to them. I like them very much.
  4. saxon

    Thanks Vince!!

    Just got an email from Vince about a new knife forum. HMMM Knives??? It took me about .005 seconds to decide. Thanks for the invite and see you all around. Wil Saxon