I have someone who wants a confederate flag incorporated into the handle of a knife. Any ideas or know of any micarta type handles with confederate flag design?
I sometimes (usually) end of scratching the front of my guards on my hidden tangs and was wondering what y'all do to fix it and get an EVEN finish. I can get acceptable results but it's never as even as I want. Another question is how do yall finish(what grit) the front before assembly...
Does anyone know where you can get patterns for folding knives. Especially slipjoints and lockbacks or traditional styled liner locks. I'm working on my first slipjoint now based on a case trapper I found and would really like some patterns to try.
Just as ed says and always keep what is left in your mixing container in same location as knife as it cures so you can check to see if it cured properly.
Thanks Kevin just what I was looking for. You are the man. I do have an evenheat oven so I will do exactly as you say. Was hoping to meet you at blade but only your wife was at the table. I did get to hold a couple of your knives and they were the best feeling of any I held. Excellent handle...
I've made some 1095/15n20 damascus and 1080/15n20. What is the best method to anneal these so that I can mill them flat. I've ruined a few mills so I would like to learn the proper process. I don't have a surface grinder so that is out. Any advise on type of cutter to use and speeds would be...