Cutting Sambar Stag Rolls into Scales

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Well-Known Member
For those of you who have never seen this done before.
Just interesting.





This Roll yielded a pair of scales and a spare.
The pair was a good enough match to keep together.
I'll have to cut another roll to find a match for the spare.
Here is another roll cut.
More detail in the steps taken.









This roll yielded two pieces 5" x 1-1/4" and one piece 5" x 1-1/8"
I will have to cut other rolls to find good matches to get good pairs.

Not much of this is done any more in this day and age.
I did these pics for fun while working.

Questions are always welcome.

Be good to yourselves.


I think it's interesting as it can be.
I've tried free hand cutting scales and that just doesn't work or it is remarkably dangerous. Your system is really well thought out Tim.
Free-hand is very dangerous.
Band saws in general are a scary thing.
I use a series of fixtures and jigs while doing the actual cutting.
Good for keeping fingers attached.

What do you cut them with? A band saw with some kind of fence? I'm like Tracy, have tried this before and ended up with a wavy-backed mess.

I've developed a dozen or more jigs over time.
Cutting thousands of pounds of stag and tens of thousands of pounds of mammoth ivory created the necessity for the fixtures.
I do like my fingers and boogering up material that is not replaceable (like stag and ivory) made the jigs a must.

I cut with a band saw using a blade that is only .014" thick which makes the operation easier but even more dangerous.

When I was traveling in India, back in the day, I watched the people there cutting stag free-hand with small table saws.
Incredibly dangerous to do it that way. It was frightening, actually.

Here is another roll I cut today.




I'll be cutting ivory later this week.
Maybe I'll try to take some pics.

Be good.

I always wondered how this was done because the few times I used Sambar stag the pieces never looked like half cuts. Now I know why. Better usage of the material this way. You get 1 1/2 sets too.

Thanks for sharing the pictures.

I found that very interesting, and not the bad way I did it in the past. Thank you. Yes, please do some pictures on the ivory cutting. Frank
AWESOME!!!!!!!!!but im kind of acattached to my fingers but maybe one day ill be brave enough to try. my question is what do you do with the center???

-Young Pup
The center.
Good Question.

I cut the remaining dentine off the corners until all that is left is the hard pith in the center.
That hard pith is the very best, healthiest and vitamin rich puppy treat ever.
The dogs literally eat it up.
It's packed with all kinds of good things and it makes an excellent training treat for them.

Big, curved rolls that are not good for cutting make the best dog chew.
They chew on it because they love the hard pith.
While chewing, they get the minerals in the dentine, clean their teeth and gums, and get rid of some bad breath too!

Be good.

WoW, I need to get some pith for the dogs. Hey, wife I'm going out for some handle, I mean dog treats.

Impressive, can't wait to see how you section the ivory!
The big thing in the pet stores now is antler 'chews'
They are horribly expensive for what they are.
Most of the material is mal-formed axis deer antler.

Any kind of antler will work well for a chew.
The puppies love them and there are lots of vitamins and minerals in the dentine and the pith.

Most of my off-cut antler stuff goes to the local pet store or to the APL.

Go for a walk in the woods and pick up some sheds.
Then give a hunk to puppy-puppy and watch the magic!
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