Who Does Web Sites??

Diamond G Knives

Well-Known Member
Im looking into getting a website set up for me. I am not a computer savey guy, and would prefer to use a professional.

Any suggestions??

Thanks and God Bless
I didn't know a thing about them either. I went to www.godaddy.com. Purchase your domain name and get a year of hosting. They will send you a toll free phone # for support that is good for 30 days. Look things over and figure what template you want to use. When you call for help ask about "Web Site Tonight". Let them transfer you over to Web Site Tonight. Support is very helpful, friendly and give you the impression that they want to help. You will have you site set up in a few hours and the most important part is that you will know how your site works and how to change it. If you really don't want to work with it they will design a site for you for a fee. You can get a domain name and a year of hosting for less than $60.00. I sold a knife within 2 weeks that paid for my web site for 3 years.
Thanks Wayne, Its not that O dont want to do it, as I really want to be able to maintain it myself, just thought it was "Above" me!

Ill check out godaddy.com!

God Bless
I doubt very seriously that it is "above you" but if you get into it and find that you just can't do it get them to do it for you.
Come on, you can do it, I did.
I wound up using weebly.com for my web host. You can set up a site for free and the interface they have is pretty simple to learn. Everything is drag and drop on pre-bulit templates. So far I've been happy with it and the best part is that I'm able to maintain the site myself with little effort.
My sister in law did mine. It's based on Wordpress, and is easy for me to keep updated myself. Check out www.carafry.com for her business and some reference sites she's done.
You can get it free from godaddy too, if you want to put up with their advertising to your customers. I opted to spend a little and be more professional.
Don't do anything without talking to Rock Cowles on this forum. Use the search engine here for ROCK.
He can set you up nicely.

I'll second the suggestion to use Cara Fry. I'll even disclose that I have a vested interest--she's my wife! She's also one of the better designers that you can get for the money and has done sites for several knife makers, including me. Her rates are reasonable. She's got 2 knife makers in the family and understands both what we do and the market we reach. She's also easy to work with (and live with, and look at too, but that's a different post). Like my big bro. suggested, check out her website. Our daughter just got into pre-school, so she'll have a little more time on her hands. She also does business cards, and has actually designed quite a few of my best knives. I hope this doesn't come across as an advertisement, but it's all true.