What type of end mill


Well-Known Member
I have just gotton to the point where I need to use my new milling machine and went to get an end mill to cut slots for the guards and the guy started asking my what type of end mill I wanted. I was not sure I have never used on before so I had no clue. Can someone tell me what I need? He aske how many flutes and som other questions. I really dont know what it is I need.
He was right in asking you those questions. It really does depend on the material your cutting, the thickness, feed, speed.....all kinds of things to consider.

For the most part, I'm pretty frugal, so I always wait for HSS (High Speed Steel) double end mills to go on sale at enco and buy and handful. For slotting guards, I usually go with http://www.use-enco.com/CGI/INPDFF?PMKANO=294&PMPAGE=18&PARTPG=INLMPA&PMCTLG=01 (at the top right hand of the page) in 4 flute. For a little more money you can go with cobalt, which will let you run at higher speeds, and the top end is carbide, which will let you run higher speeds still.

A word of caution....I remember when I first started running a mill. Not knowing any better I figured I could horse the bit quickly through the material....and all I ended up with was broken end mills. It's not really much FASTER to cut a slot with an end mill, than it is with a file, it's just less work for you.
Solid cobalt. cost more but they're worth it. They will cut guard material like butter & give you a superior finish.