Rough & Ready


Active Member
hello All,
this is a knife that we wanted to get put together quickly and be a user.
This was made this morning by myself and Ian Bailey
Not much effort was made, as you can see and it only took 4 hours including tempering!
01 blade is 5" long and the overall length is 10" (which is quite weird considering we didn't use a ruler once whilst making it)
It has brass fittings and the handle is an unknown but very hard wood of some description.
we had fun and a good laugh whilst making this and enjoyed the Sunny weekend too.

thanks for looking
Bri & Ian

Very nice. I like it!
Blade shape and finish, the very hard wood, fittings, and tapered thingie that goes through the very hard wood.
Cheers big time guys,
It was definitely fun even if the speed tested me...the Stella went down just as quick aswell lol