
WTP Knife Works

New Member
Thanks for allowing me to join. I am a part time maker. Need more time. But working on it. I am currently transitioning from using stock blade to making my own. Going about this in 2 directions( stock removal and forging). I see both advantages and disadvantages to both methods. Any advice will be greatly apreciated
Welcome on board. Fill out your profile info, let others know a bit about you. This is a fun place on the net. Very friendly group.

I mainly forge. Grinding skills are a must either way you go. Check out the WIP section, lots of good info there.
Welcome aboard! I would recommend getting a feel for the grinds, even if it is just on some mild steel for practice, before grinding up a blade that has been painstakingly forged to shape.
Welcome to the pack here at KDs! The way to learn most anything is to plain do it!
if you have any particular questions about grinding or forging you could ask in the "New to knife making forum" I'm sure one of will be glad to help.