New To Me Lanyard Technique

It does look like paracord, doesn't it?
Actually, it is leather cord tied with a series of square knots. There are two pieces of heavy red thread tied at both ends of the cord (I don't know the proper name for those two knots, it is what I use to attach my fly line to the tapered leader though).
Looks good, but a comment here on lanyards. It seems many of the "prepper" types want the lanyard to serve as a source of possible survival cord if needed. They tend to use paracord because it has so many uses in a survival situation, AND use a knot that will allow the lanyard to come apart into the length of cord used. With that said, that you've got sure does look good.
While I put lanyard tubes in some of my handles, I have never added the lanyard itself but then the majority of my knives are for hunting purposes and a lanyard would get a bloody and look dirty after the first hunt.
Good point Von. I personally like lanyards on knives and typically incorporate them in the knives I make but not 100% of the time.
I imagine it all goes to purpose. Some may find them useful for a large chopper/camp knife to help with retention. Hunting knives--
I see no real purpose for it there. Small edc's are benefited by the assist they give in removing a small knife from a whole- knife, form-fitted sheath. When only an inch or so of the handle butt is protruding from the sheath, your pinky and ring finger naturally encircles the lanyard/fob giving you positive purchase on the knife, and the knife is naturally indexed into your palm securely. No struggle to draw the knife, no fear of dropping the knife.
Dave Fairly uses a leather lanyard on his western/cowboy edc's, and has posted pics of real cowboys using them during branding/cutting time. If I recall correctly, the lanyard aids with knife retention when the hand(s) are slick with blood. Dirty lanyards are easily replaced.
But, it is a personal choice I guess as, I sell a good number of my edc's with the lanyard and Dave sells a gob of them.
In the end, it comes down to personal preference.
On my fishing knives I think a wrist loop may be very useful as wet hands etc on a boat may benefit from the security of this type of lanyard use while the filleting knife is usually has land based use