New Disc Grinder


Man thats one beastly disk grinder.. Nice score!! What do you plan on using it for?
I do traditional japanese knife handles, with this bad boy, I can cut the chamfers in one pass.... and um... I'm sure I'll find something else for it. I do enough wood working to keep knife making (attempts) from becoming monotonous.
So much for saving money by trimming 9x11 sheets! Great find on the new monster!

Now whactha gonna name it?
Name? Huh, didn't give it much thought. I was still reviling on the fact that my wife was the one that suggested it be purchased. Any suggestions on a name?
That has a good ring to it, Andrew.

Rob, you are right about not saving money, I've seen those discs priced between 25-45 bucks each. The good thing about it, is that having more area allows for longer life in between discs. I feel like a kid waiting on a vfd for this monster. Can't wait to see it kill some stabilized burls.
BAD Grinder sounds right.

It'll be worth it for the reasons you mentioned.

I'm still just thinking "WOW!" Don't get to see too many of the big'uns.
Just the photos alone have me thinking about a feed roller setup!
I've worked on a 12" grinder before and it cut my time down per handle dramatically. This one might be able to ready a handle for finishing in just a few passes, hopefully I can keep my fingers off the disc on this one. My other one has bitten be quite a bit. hahaha
You might look into buying some of the cheaper 25x60 belts for thickness sanders and cutting some discs out of that. I've seen some for about 25 bucks each. Not sure of the quality, but you'll get at least 2 per belt. Maybe even 3 if you're careful... ;) and then you'll have a bit of scrap left over for sanding blocks and what not.