Made one for me finally!


Well-Known Member
It's been a while since I made a kitchen knife for me! This is a Vg-10 Core Stainless Damascus blank from Jantz. Copper and Red liner, Fabricated Black Mother of Pearl handle, Mosaic pins. The copper liners made it a good bit heavier, but I kinda like the extra heft to it!



I like it - It looks like it is ready for some use!

Did you have any issues when you worked the Fabricated Mother of Pearl?
Great work on the handle.
A very nice looking Guyto you have there! I want a report on how it works in the kitchen?

Cory, I use sim Pearl stuff, I really like the Sim Abalone shell
It works fine, Just take your time and turn down the speed. Sharp belts help and the last belt on the grinder is 800G, then I hand sand at 800 & 1200 Grit.

be sure to have backing on the paper around the handle pins/bolts. I use a real thick piece of leather.

The FMOP chips very easily when I tried to use my Iwasaki files on it. The material is pretty soft, like the Recon stones and stuff, so it works easily, but you gotta be careful of the pins like Laurence said. I went to 220 on the belt, then files and sandpaper from there, then went to the MX Micro Mesh sandpaper, then the buffing wheel for the deeper scratches, and then the AO Micro Mesh up to 12K grit, which is what you see here. It polished beautifully!!

I used it for cutting chicken tenderloins for dinner a couple days ago, worked great!
Laurence and Taz - Thank you for the tips on how to work the FMOP. I'll have to be brave and try it out!

Taz - What type of Iwasaki files do you use? I have been using Nicholson files to shape all of my handles, and haven't been pleased with them.
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I have a medium which is almost too coarse, the teeth get stuck on the edges of the material. I use a Fine and Extreme fine file usually now when I use them. I have a Nicholson 8" double cut @@@@@@@ file while I love. These files do not work well on the FMOP; it chips easily. Sharp bits and sharp belts work well, and then I hand sand from 120 grit up. FMOP works about as easily as Buffalo Horn, maybe a bit softer.