Horizontal position.... for 2X72 grinder


Well-Known Member
Hello all, especially Calvin since he's suggested a couple of times I would benefit from a horizontal grinder. I'd never really used a horizontal grinder in the past, so when I built this new direct drive (can't say enough about smoothness of direct drive), I added a horizontal position to the grinder. I used it for first time today in horizontal - that surely is nice for some places of grinding on a blade! I'm impressed with the control.

Where I anything like full time, my 2nd (or 3rd?) grinder would be Calvin's horizontal grinder.

Thanks to Calvin for suggesting, and to all the other folks who posted info about horizontal grinders.

Ken H>
Ken, my grinder tips over too and Calvin inspired an idea for mine. I have a couple different work rests for mine and I was positioning one at the platen and the other at one of the contact wheels when working horizontal. After seeing Calvin's grinder, I realized that I could make one long tool rest that went end to end. I have access to my 2" wheel, my platen, and my 10" wheel. The new rest wraps back behind the wheels, giving me "close" to what Calvin has. I just stow it away when going back vertical.
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Seems like your grinder (didn't you post info on our build?) was one I used for inspiration for how to get the horizontal position. I'm still working on tool rests, I've got one that goes to all positions, but need to do more work to it for a full "wrap around" on the wheels. I use it for my small wheels as well as the 3" wheel on the platen setup.

Ken H>
Frank, "IF" I did half enough knives per year to "need" two grinders, I'd be jumping all over Calvin's horizontal plans. I really like his layout and it sure seems to have all the positions covered. Most of ya'll make more knives in a week (month?) than I do in a year. This is a hobby for me. Sure, I sell a few knives along, but I don't push selling at all.

Calvin's horizontal grinder wouldn't take up much room..... and I do like tools {grinning}

Ken H>
Hey y'all,I've been up in the woods a few days and unable to comment here.
Im happy to hear that I have influenced some of y'all to build horizontal capabilities into your grinders,the advantage is wonderful.
Ken is right,you don't need a dedicated horizontal grinder if you only build a few knives but I build enough folders to justify all the trouble I went through to design ,build and perfect my design. Making folders is where my machine realy pays off.
Thank you all for your kind words and inspiration.