Here is my latest Knife, best to date


Well-Known Member
I was asked by an old friend to make him something special. I took my time and it turned out, well it turned out to be the best knife and sheath i have made to date.
The new owner had total control over what he wanted.. i know the sheath may not be the perfect fit for the knife style wise, but that is what i was asked to do...


Aaron, nice work, I like that a lot- file work and engraving looks great and sheath looks great too - he'll like that.
Thanks guys... Yes it is Kirinite. If you look closely, there is .030" brass sheet between the kirinite and the blade. The knife also has brass pins and tube. Yes,he wanted blue and gold. I originally was pushing him toward some blue dyed box elder or buckeye burl, stabilized. He just really liked the Kirinite.
Doggone!! :biggrin: That is beautiful!! Very nice job!!!

That sheath is made for scout/horizontal carry right?
Thanks for the kind words guys... the knife is made out of 1084 1/8" thick steel the oal is about 10". the hardness came out at 59 rc. hand rubbed finish @600 grit then i used scotchbrite fine on it. the handle material is kirinite with blue vulcanized rubber and .030" brass liners. Some file work on the spine. the sheath is made out of 7-8 oz leather scout style. Hand stitched and tooled.