HELP! Web page review


Dealer - Purveyor
Not long ago I bought an Apple and changed the whole format of my webpage. Updates using a PC were a real problem. I've learned to use the Apple and the whole process is about 10% of the time that the PC was. HOWEVER, web page hits, and business, have really dropped. I don't know if it's the new website or just that business is that slow now. I would appreciate it if anyone who has the time to review my site would do so and let me know if there are any problems. Everything seems to work fine from where I sit, but I don't know what others are seeing or not seeing. Looking for comments on accessibility, etc.

Thanks very much,

Raymond Coon
Seems to work just fine for me. I do not see any links for placing an order or a shopping cart for available knives. Were those features part of the previous site?
Thanks for taking the time to do that. It's a relief to know that it's working 'out there'. Since my knives are usually 'one-offs' and I don't make very many compared to other makers, I don't have a shopping cart feature. I have relied on people contacting me either through e-mail or on the telephone to place orders. I don't want any confusion. I am looking into PayPal payments today. Thanks again.