Hello from Orlando, Florida


New Member
Hey all, I'm a new and aspiring knife maker in Orlando, Florida. I'm in the process of building my first belt grinder(grinder in a box) with a 2hp 3ph motor and a KBAC-27D VFD. I already have a small hobby wood/metal working shop in the garage including 2 CNC machines. If there's any "must have" knife maker literature/DVD's that you would recommend just let me know. Thanks all, I'm excited to get to the grind:3:

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Welcome to KD Dale. Sounds like you have a good start on a knife making shop already if have 2 CNC's in your garage. I don't know of a 'must have' book as there are many good ones- I started with "How to make knives" which is a good all around instructional book by Bob Loveless. Paul Long's sheath making DVD's are very good too.