Hello alll I am new to the forum


Well-Known Member
My name is Percy Richardson, I live in Navasota, Tx.
This is a great forum, lots of info for the new maker and that is
something that is good for all. I do some teaching of knifemaking in my shop and a few other knifemakers ask me once if I thought that
would effect my knife sales with there being more knifemakers out there. I think not as the more makers there will be more buyers aware of the handmade knives. Everyone knows people that others don't and you never know who will be a handmade customer. Of course competition is good for everyone. If you take care of your customers
you will always have customers, that is my thought.
Anyway I have been making knives for well over 25 years most of that time as a full time maker. My first real help was from a great knifemaker in Houston named Al Krouse, he could grind knife blades perfect and as fast as anyone alive I think. I don't know where Al is now but if anyone knows him tell him hello.
I make a lot of hunters and skinners and lockbacks. I do some slip joints and am getting more into that. I cut most of the handle material I use TEXAS woods, mesquite, oak and a few others.
Lots of burl woods in Texas and they are beautiful. Use a lot of antler mostly Axis but really like Berasingha and sheep horn, don't like boiling the sheep horn but really like using it.
That is my introduction and if I can help anyone just call
936-288-1690 I will help anyone anyway I can.
Take care and come back now
Welcome to the pound.
It sounds like you have knowledge to help us rookies out.
Lets see some of your work.
Howdy, Percy and welcome to the pack. Sounds as if you have a great attitude toward knifemaking and helping others.
Hknife.jpgi Percy and welcome to KD. How about some pictures of some of your work.

I am a customer of Percys here in East Texas. This was my first purchase from him and I could not be any happier. I have since bought 2 same style knoves for friends who saw mine and had to have one! Thanks Percy!