Fitting a guard before etching

Brad Lilly

Moderator and Awards Boss
Hi guys
I'm making a hidden tang knife with wrought iron fittings. I want to do a long etch on the fitings. Should I be worried about the etch eating away the gaurd slot and causing a sloppy fit? Any suggestions for the best way to do this?
Paint any area you do not want to be effected by the FC with fingernail polish. this will shield it. If soaking extended times, Id do 2 coats. i like the garish orange stuff so I can see it better. I use model paint brushes for detail areas. And yes, the etch will remove tiny articles of metal. Depends on the soak time and acid strength, but could effect your fit.

Hope this helps.

God Bless
Thanks I will give it a try. The hard part is walking into a store and buying nail polish. I know man up and buy your fingernail polish :)
... back when Mt. St. Helens blew, I worked for a trucking Co. that got contracts hauling equipment in & out of the Toutle River valley. That volcanic dust went right through the air filters and honed out the cylinders = expensive upkeep. Somehow someone figured out that a particular L'Eggs pantyhose would block the dust /I never did hear how this got discovered/ - - - so our burly head mechanic went around town buying up all the L'Eggs. Damn I wish I had a video of that.