End-cut Boxes From USAknifemaker


Well-Known Member
Has anyone purchase one of the boxes of either micarta or g10? Were you satisfied and able to get enough material for scale to make it worth it? Are g10 and micarta mixed or are they separate boxes?

I can't tell you what the mix is in the end cut boxes because I haven't purchased one.

what I can tell you is that you use stuff like this for bolsters and two or three part handle combining the different colors and materials for a different look. That's what I do with my scrap from time to time.
Everything is blended and coated in dust. you get lots of good stuff, both g10 and micarta ( good big pieces)+ carbon fiber, alternative ivory, and kirinite ( mostly to small to do much with). It is a GREAT deal, and I highly recommend it. I cleaned mine in a tub to keep the mess down. Don't open the box over anything but a very easily cleaned surface! Dust gets everywhere (another pro of using a tub or shower). Heres what came in mine http://jungletraining.com/forums/showthread.php?20811-my-quot-scrap-quot-box-from-USA-Knife-Maker!
Thanks, do you think there would be many pieces that would work for a pair of knife scales 1" wide by 3.75ish" long?
One more thing, are most of the colors not too wacky and bright colors? I don't mind a little, but I prefer earth and natural tones.