ceramic blanket advice

Brad Lilly

Moderator and Awards Boss
I'm getting around to building a new forge and I found this product "R26BH blanket" it is a 2600deg blanket, 1" thick carried by PSH. Anyone ever try to use it? How did it work? The local stove store will get in Koa-wool at 120$ for enough to line my forge, that seams a little excessive.

Thanks Brad
Yeah $120 is a bit rich. I used the psh blanket for my first forge and it worked fine ,then I bought a case roll from a heat treat furnace repairman in Brantford for about $50. If you order from psh don't forget to get the coloidal rigidizer which stiffens the wool and helps to keep it from falling apart. You just put it in a spray bottle and spray the wool until it is wet.
The $120 for enough Koa-Wool or Inswool to line your forge is not a little rich, it's outrageous. It's been a while since I've priced thing on the site but I think that you could get an entire roll of 1" 8# Inswool at High Temperature Tools and Refractory for less than that. Enough to do several forges. I don't find the rigidizer to be useful and it does reduce the insulating qualities of the ceramic matting. Do get something to coat the matting on the inside of the forge with to prevent the inhalation of fibers once the forge has been heated. Some use a mortar like Satinite but I prefer a castable refractory. The rigidizer will not do that job. In either case moisten the matting slightly with a spray bottle and apply the product. For the castable refractory what I did was apply the product on the bottom and as high on the sides as it will hold. I then gave it a little time to set up and then rotated the forge body onto one side and coated that section, let that set up a bit, then repeated the process on the other side. Give the refractory a few days to dry then slowly bring the temperature up in increasing heats to cure the refractory shell.

I sell Inswool at $8.00 per foot (24 inches wide), you probably only need about 2 feet, Kast-0-Lite castable refractory,and Plistix or Metrikote Infrared Reflective. I think that you need the blanket castable as Doug said and an Infrared Reflective product to build a good forge. See my post Build A Gas Forge for a tutorial about how I suggest building a forge.
See my web-site for more information.