Can Cedar Be Stabilized?

Tom Militano

Somebody gave me a couple of pieces of kind of fancy cedar and I was wondering if anyone has tried to stabilize it. Thanks
I'm thinking that it can be. Give Mike of a call, he doesn't have a minimum and his prices are the lowest... though I prefer K&G, I use Mike for my experimental stuff.
WSSI has done some for me and it turned out great. I also sent some to a 'start-up' company (no longer in business) and it did not take worth a darn. Send it to the best - whoever you think that may be.
What about Eastern Red Cedar? It's thick as hair on a Dog's back around here and you can find a lot of old fence post made from it. I'm looking at my Wife's cedar chest made from it right now, weighing the consequences of cutting it up into knife scales...
What about Eastern Red Cedar? It's thick as hair on a Dog's back around here and you can find a lot of old fence post made from it. I'm looking at my Wife's cedar chest made from it right now, weighing the consequences of cutting it up into knife scales...

Just proceed directly to divorce court, do not pass go, do not collect $200.00, as if you cut up the wife's cedar chest it will cost you a lot more than $200.00 :what!::35::biggrin::les::7: