Best Forum Around in My Mind.....

Colin Paterson

New Member
Greetings Everyone!

I can't tell you how glad I am to have come across KnifeDogs. I have spent many evenings learning about things I'd only been able to wonder about if not for KnifeDogs and it's members. I've met a couple of you and visited with you on the phone. Friendlier, more helpful and sharing men can't be found.

I've been making knives for nine years and am currently starting my first folder. I'm for the most part internet taught and a DVD student to. I live darn near in the geographical middle of Montana and out here there is a real shortage of knifemakers that live very close to one another. I promise you! There are couple of 'renowned' makers to be sure but most anywhere in Montana is a long ways to most every where else. There's a get-to-gether or two in the summers near Missoula, Montana and not much else knifemakers do socially, that I know of anyway, unless you can travel a lot.

Thanks again to each and everyone of you for all you share! It really makes a difference!

I'm always willing to help out if I can. If I read something and can help I'll pitch in, if anyone needs anything at all, just ask, if I have it to give, it's yours. I seem to get along with most everyone and look forward to meeting more members here at the KnifeDog Forums.

If you ever think you might be in Dutton, Montana, you'll know because you'll only be in town for the maybe 2 and a half seconds it takes to drive on through it. Gas Station, Bar ( sometimes) , and a P.O. OH yeah, the grain elevator and the train tracks to!

I like to make friends and love to make knives...... Colin Paterson:1:
Aloha, Colin!

My son CJ is going to be working in Plains, MT this summer at Camp Big Horn. If all goes according to plan, he'll be carrying a Schrade SCHF9 with Micarta scales that he shaped himself. Welcome to the pack!