Anybody have a surface grinder I can borrow?

Travis Fry

Well-Known Member
I've got an ATS 34 rigging knife blade that warped during HT. I've clamped it up and run it through about 6 temper cycles to work out the kinks, and have for the most part been successful. I found out tonight as I was trying to sand it flatter on my surface plate that the tang isn't as straight as I thought. I'm tired of fighting with this one, and the bend is probably 1/64" off, tops. Is there anyone with a surface grinder that can flatten it up for me? I'd feel better if it was truly flat rather than "just flat enough" especially since this one is getting engraved and sent to Australia.


Travis Fry
Travis, I would be happy to do it for you or you can come by the shop. I'm in the College Station area.

Thank you sir. It seems that our area is farily heavily laden with knife makers; I'm glad to know another.