African Blackwood Gambler's Fighter

Erin Burke

Well-Known Member
Good morning y'all. It's shaping up to be a wonderfully beautiful day here in Everett... a great day for posting knife photos. :biggrin:

I just finished this package up on Wednesday, and am calling it a Gambler's Fighter.

This blade, for its size, is quite thick at the guard at 0.23". Compensating for this is a fairly significant distal taper, giving the knife a balanced feel with a bit of substance. The blade emerged from some of Aldo's W2, was differentially heat-treated and left with a working finish; while the handle is a lovely piece of Mark's African Blackwood. I really like the look of the blackwood, but it sure is a bear to photograph. The handle is silky smooth with a bit of gloss, but ends up looking muddy through the camera lens. I probably need a few photography lessons from Jim Cooper.

Some Stats:
Length: 11-1/16"
Blade: 5-13/16" (Tip to ricasso), 0.23" thick at the guard
Weight: 238g
Steel: Differentially Heat-Treated W2
Handle: African Blackwood (Burl Source) w/ domed 416ss pin
Fittings: 416ss with coined G10 spacer




I apologize in advance for all of the reflections in the guard... but, for once, it wasn't raining here, so I shot outside without a light tent.

Thanks for checking it out. Erin
beautiful knife, i love the blackwood, i got a few blocks from Mark myself, can't wait to use them.
Wow Erin, this is my favorite of yours so far. Everything about it looks good. Blackwood gives it that classic look.
Thanks guys.

Bruce & Ray... you guys are two of my knifemaking heroes... I really appreciate your comments and any feedback you might give. :thumbup:

Nice Erin; like the blade geometry. The transition at the choil is really clean and adds a great deal to the overall look.
